C'Quil Music

The Beginning:

It started in a bar….

Like many good stories do….

He was sitting on a bar stool listening to Annie B’s acoustic set at The Renaissance.  He was at a crossroad:  sons finishing their college years and about to strike out on their own to take on the world, a career stuck in neutral: He’d been a landscaper, waiter, orchard hand, technologist, scientist and now trading agricultural commodities.  Loves won, loves lost, love still enduring.  He’d seen a good bit of the world, but the truth was, he was getting bored, or maybe just afraid of becoming bored.  Annie B. kept driving through her set.  She had a vocal range from Axle to angel.

A friend who fronts a local band texted him: ‘Hey, can I call you tomorrow instead of meeting tonight?  I need to pick up an ex-girlfriend at baggage claim.

He texted back: ‘Sounds like the title to a song ‘I Picked Her Up at Baggage Claim’

‘Write it’

30 seconds later…

‘I picked her up at baggage claim

Headed off to beds untamed

She never really gained much fame

But I’ll never forget ol’ what’s-her-name’

That’s pretty good…finish it’….3 minutes later…. ‘I dare you!

That night ‘C’Quil’ came to life….

More than enough songs later, an overwhelmed front man sent ‘Hyd’N’ to a former band mate on the west coast looking for work and said ‘this one’s supposed to have a Fargo Blues sound’.  ‘See what you guys can do with it.’  A second phone call was made to an island west of Seattle, accessible only by ferry.

‘You want in on this?’

A few weeks later another phone call was made.

‘Hey, did you get a chance to listen to that tune we sent you?’

‘Yeah, you guys nailed it!’

‘Thanks, we’ve seen your other stuff.  We’d like to make an album with you.’


The Quills are now in the process of launching the first of four CD’s of material in demo, mixed and mastered stages.  They are collaborating with a network of music marketing consultants, studios, videographers, animators and artists.


C’Quil Music is being formed to enable high potential bands to celebrate the lyrics of C’Quil and their own original music.  We will custom an approach with each band to develop original lyrics about the subjects they are passionate about, help develop their music and develop the tools to share it with the world.

Send us an e-mail

C’Quil Music LLC
1120 Bay Colony Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23451

    C’Quil Music Copyright 2023 © Developed by Blue Creative

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